Daniel Sandoval
Real Estate Broker/Owner/Realtor

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The difference between a Broker Price Opinion & Appraisal

March 09,2023 | Posted By Daniel Sandoval in Selling
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A broker price opinion (BPO) and an appraisal are both valuation methods used to determine the value of a property, but there are some key differences between the two.

A BPO is an estimate of a property's value provided by a real estate broker or agent. The broker or agent will evaluate the property's condition, location, and market trends to provide a price opinion. BPOs are typically less formal and less comprehensive than appraisals and are often used in situations where a full appraisal is not necessary, such as in a short sale or foreclosure.

An appraisal, on the other hand, is a formal evaluation of a property's value conducted by a licensed appraiser. Appraisals are typically more detailed and comprehensive than BPOs and involve a more thorough analysis of the property and the surrounding market. Appraisals are often required for mortgage financing and are also used in legal proceedings such as divorce, estate settlements, and property tax disputes.

In summary, a broker price opinion is an estimate of a property's value provided by a real estate broker or agent, while an appraisal is a formal evaluation of a property's value conducted by a licensed appraiser.



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